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資料番号 | |
場所 | 石浜墓地 |
種別 | 文化資源 宗教資源 |
地区 | 石浜地区 |
経緯 | (38.3339,141.0969) |
白石広造は豪傑の人でした。常に「富国強兵、宣揚皇威」を信念としていました。 殖産興業の方法を海や陸に探し求め、たくさんの事業を施したため、その貢献は極めて多いことが伝わっています。
明治5年には、陸前の国の石浜に2年間移住して、運送業につき、住民を呼び寄せ、倉庫を造り、関東京三陸北海道間の定期航路を開拓し、地方の振興をはかりました。 また私財を投じて、陸羽間(陸奥国と出羽国)の道路を整備し、貨物の輸送、海産物の販売、地方の供給を助けました。さらに鰹節の製法を改良なども行い、その評判がたかまり、ついには松島湾漁業組合を結成、組頭の職についた後には、古くからある紛議を解決したほか、魚類の繁殖を行うなどの功績もありました。
他にも牡蠣の養殖を薦めて、漁民の困窮を救ったほか、肥料の輸入、蚕業の推進、米殻の改良などを行い、教育を普及させ、学校の基本財産などを整え、公衆の利益のために尽力を注ぎました。 そして、このようなすばらしい実績となったために、天皇陛下から藍綬褒章を賜り、表彰されました。
Kouzo Shiraishi was a bold and distinguished individual who always kept in mind the goal of enriching the nation, strengthening its military, and expanding the imperial prestige. He extensively researched methods for industrial development and applied them to various ventures on both land and sea, making significant contributions to society. In recognition of his achievements, he was awarded the Order of the Blue Ribbon by the Imperial Court in November of the 43rd year of the Meiji era (1910). The document detailing his accomplishments states as follows:
“Kouzo Shiraishi was naturally broad-minded and had early insight into the necessity of convenient transportation for the development of commerce and industry. In the 5th year of the Meiji era (1872), he relocated to Ishihama in Rikuzennokuni and engaged in the shipping industry. He attracted settlers, constructed warehouses, and established a regular shipping route connecting Tokyo, Sanriku, and Hokkaido to promote regional development. Additionally, he invested his own funds to improve roads between Mutsu and Dewa, facilitating the transportation of goods and enhancing the distribution of marine products. As a result, local supply chains improved, and he refined the production methods of dried bonito, raising its market value. Furthermore, he organized a fishing cooperative in Matsushima Bay and became its leader, resolving long-standing disputes over fishing rights and promoting the propagation of fish stocks. He also encouraged oyster farming, planned deep-sea fishing ventures to support struggling fishermen, imported fertilizers, promoted sericulture improvements, facilitated the distribution of rice, advanced education, and established schools with secured endowments. Through these efforts, he significantly contributed to public welfare. His remarkable achievements have earned him the Order of the Blue Ribbon as a mark of recognition for his benevolent deeds.”
Indeed, such an honor is truly deserved.
Kouzo Shiraishi was born in Chizuka, Gyokou Village, Kita-Katsushika District, Saitama Prefecture. His father was Seibei, and his mother was Miyoko. He was born on December 14, 1844 (the first year of the Kōka era). From an early age, he harbored great ambitions. Orphaned at the age of seven, he left for Yokohama at eighteen, where he studied navigation under British and French instructors, frequently traveling to and from Hokkaido.